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This site has been developed to be easily accessible. Where it uses technology that might not be supported by all browsers or page readers, it is designed to continue to be operable without this technology. Page layout and navigation are simple and straight forward. The site's navigation and use has been tested using the Lynx non graphical browser.

Access Keys

Most web browsers (although not all) support linking to specific pages by typing named access keys.

Windows users: press Alt + an access key.
Macintosh users: press Control + an access key.

All pages on this site use the following access keys for common tasks:

0 - Accessibility page
1 - Home page
3 - Site Map page
S - Skip Navigation

Text Size

This site does not use relative text sizing. This means that in some browsers the font cannot be resized using the browser's text size facility. If this causes you a problem we suggest you download an alternative browser that does not have this limitation. For example
Firefox which is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux i686.


The HTML templates used to generate this site have been tested to validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional. All cascading style sheets (CSS) have been validated using the W3C CSS Validator. Graphical elements all have titles, and all input boxes have associated labels. Sam Richards Powered By Thinking Arts